The Manipulate Variables action is designed to organize a collection of objects or variables. It can be used to, for example, randomly swap the positions of a collection of objects, or values within a collection of variables from largest to smallest, or to cascade objects vertically in a list.


The type of manipulation to perform. Options are:

  • Variables - Operate on a collection of variables.
  • Object Positions - Operate on the X or Y position of a collection of objects.


The algorithm to apply for this operation. Options are:

  • Shuffle - put the values specified in a random order.
  • Sort - sort the values specified from smallest to largest
  • Fill - fill the values specified with a series of numbers starting with Start Value and incrementing with each value by Increment.
  • Randomize - fill the values specified with random numbers between Random Min Value and Random Max Value.

Start Value

When using the Fill method, the first value in the series to begin the fill.


When using the Fill method, the increment to apply to each value in the series. For example, if Start Value is set to 0 and Increment is set to one, the target values will be filled with 0, 1, 2, 3 etc.

Random Min Value

When using the Randomize method, this field specifies the smallest possible value in the range to generate.

Random Max Value

When using Randomize, this field specifies the larget possible value in the range to generate.


When using the Object Postions operation, specifies which axis of the target object’s position to manipulate.

Variable 1, 2, 3 … 10

The variables to manipulate when using the Variables operation. The maximum is 10.

Object 1, 2, 3 … 10

The objects to manipulate when using the Object Positions operation. Up to 10 objects can be manipulated at once.