Text in text boxes can be formatted and controlled with commands embedded within the text itself using HTML-style markup tags.

Formatting Commands

<b> … </b> Bold text between the tags.

<i> … </i> Italicize the text between the tags.

<color=“(color)“> … </color> Change the color of the text within the tags to (color). Colors are specified using the HTML color hex standard, e.g. “#FF0000” is bright red. An alpha component may be optionally specified (e.g. “#FF000055” is a partially-transparent red color).

<delay=“(seconds)“> … </delay> Change the type-out character delay of the text within the tag. Only relevant to text boxes with Type Out Text selected.

<wait=“(seconds)“> Pause typing for the specified number of seconds. Only relevant to text boxes with Type Out Text selected.

<size=“(scale)“> … </size> Change the size of the text within the tag. (scale) is a multiplier applied to the default font size of the text box. For example, <size=“2”>NO!</size> will result in the “NO!” characters displayed at twice the size of other text. Note that dramatic changes in scale may cause unwanted visual artifacts.

Pagination and Flow

<p> This tag causes a page break. Use it with the Paginate Text action to break text up across multiple pages within a text box.

<c> or <clear> This tag clears the text box. It is only relevant when using Type Out Text, and will cause the text in the box to be cleared when the <c> character is reached.

Other Commands

<p vo=“(path)“> This command specifies a text page with a path to a voice over sound file associated with this text. (path) must be a path to a sound file relative to the project folder (for example, “vo/line1.wav”). If a previous voice over sample is still playing when this command is reached, the sample specified here will replace the previous one. This command can be used to create text that has voice over associated with specific pages. Because this command is embedded in the text, it can also be altered for localization to point at localized sound files.

<var=“(variable)“> or <var=“(variable)“ format=“(format“)> This will insert the value of a named variable into the text. If the variable changes, the text will be updated automatically. The variable value can be formatted with the optional (format) parameter, which uses 0s to specify the number of values to show before and after the decimal point. Some example formats for the variable ‘time’ which has a value of 9.4324:

  • <var=“(variable)“> (no format specified): 9.4324.
  • <var=“(variable)“ format=“00”> (up to two digits before the decimal): 9
  • <var=“(variable)“ format=“00.000”> (two digits before the decimal, up to three after the decimal): 9.432