A Button component provides a convenient interface for making buttons. It expects buttons to be defined by three objects: the default button, a version of the button when the mouse is hovered over it, and a version of the button when the mouse is clicking down on it. These objects are automatically enabled and disabled by the button component. Often they are children of the button object.

Idle Object

The game object to display when the button is not being interacted with.

Hover Object

The game object to display when the mouse is hovering over the button.

Down Object

The game object to display when the mouse is pressing down over the button.


The actions sequence to execute when the button is clicked.

Pro Tip

You can produce the same effect as the Button component by combining multiple Clickable components on a single object for clicking down, hovering, etc. This is useful if you need to execute actions when the button state changes (for example, when the mouse hovers over it), or if you want your button to behave differently than the stock Button component.